Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cambridge Bay, Nunavut - Omingmak Frolics Festival

---This was the second year for Edge Entertainment to provide Entertainment for the Frolics Festival (Omingmak means Musk Ox), it was a great experience as I got to take my son Nolan with me so he could experience first hand what I was talking about when I said I was performing up North - he did Temporary Airbrush Tattoos, I also brought a female Hypnotist with me - we weren't sure how this was going to play out with the elders but it turned out magnificently. As in Kugluktuk the kids were great, the adults are all gracious. The pictures are of a Inuit woman in her jacket that was all hand made (beautiful) - yes the fur is real wolverine, and some pictures of the kids.

Cambridge Bay (Inuinnaqtun: Iqaluktuuttiaq Inuktitut)
population 1,477
named for
Prince Adolphus, Duke of Cambridge, is a hamlet located in the Kitikmeot Region of Nunavut, Canada. The traditional Inuinnaqtun name for the area is Ikaluktuutiak (old orthography) or Iqaluktuttiaq (new orthography) meaning "good fishing place".
The traditional language of the area was Inuinnaqtun and is written using the
Latin alphabet rather than the syllabics of the Inuktitut writing system. Like Kugluktuk, Bathurst Inlet and Umingmaktok syllabics are rarely seen and used mainly by the Government of Nunavut.

Located on the south coast of
Victoria Island Cambridge Bay is a transportation and administrative center for the western Kitikmeot Region. The population is approximately 80% Inuit. It is a normal stop for passenger and research vessels traversing the Northwest Passage.
The area was a traditional hunting and fishing location and archeological sites are often found.
Barren-ground caribou, muskox, Arctic char, lake trout and ringed seal were the primary and remain important food sources today. Situated east of Cambridge Bay is Ovayok Territorial Park.

Cambridge Bay was the site of Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP) and Hudson's Bay Company outposts established during the 1920s. Following World War II a LORAN tower was built near the previous location of Cambridge Bay and a Distant Early Warning Line site established in 1955. Unlike the majority of the DEW Line radar sites which were abandoned or automated, this site, known as CAM-MAIN, remains a manned operation as part of the North Warning System. The military presence and the services and economy this represented acted as a magnet for Inuit who had previously used the area as a temporary site for meeting, hunting, fishing and trade, and a permanent community was soon established.
Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Nunavut Impact Review Board, and Nunavut Planning Commission have their head offices in Cambridge Bay, as well as the Lands and Resources Department of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated.
Cambridge Bay has northern historical significance. It is the final resting place of the
Baymaud captained by Roald Amundsen.

In addition to a
community radio station, Cambridge Bay is served by two CBC Radio One transmitters, rebroadcasting the stations from both Iqaluit and Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
FM 97.7 - CFBI, community radio
FM 101.9 -
CFFB-1, CBC Radio One
FM 105.1 -
CBIN, CBC Radio One

Channel 9 -

Internet Services
QINIQ, Broadband Internet service provider for Nunavut Polarnet, Internet Service provider for the Kitikmeot region Netkaster, satellite Internet service provided by Northwestel

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